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Bargain Gear!! :)
Fun with the Fosters

Sunday 1 May 2011

Looking Forward

Ai what a pleasure, I’m sitting here on the Sunday afternoon. The sun is trickling through our window into our lounge, I have had an amazing bowl of spaghetti from the hand of the most loving wife. All in life seems to be pretty good!

Well have I got a blog for you today! The answer to that question is yes please. I have been sick like a shanty town hound with three legs for three days. It all started Monday with some tummy cramps, it got a bit worse for wear as the day went on. Tuesday and Wednesday proceeded to be complete write offs and obviously being self employed this was not a good sign, especially with a three day week looming large. But as great health and a ‘ You will get better you big girl’s blouse’ attitude will have it I was back on my feet by Thursday and working. Praise the Lord.

Of course all of the above is detrimental to the bank account, but even more so to the training account, as these hours also need to be logged. Well with a bit of a feel sorry for myself body I mounted the bike on Friday with my wife and we quickly flew through Surrey with the howling wind on our backs. I always learn something new when going out for a ride with Lou, she is a never say die customer, it has taken a few months but she is coming together beautifully. When she tires she pulls up her shoulders and just pushes until she has caught up or conquered the hill. She never moans or groans. We have had a few tears,  but this business does get emotional sometimes, I cried like a big baby last year after finishing the Ironman. Long story short she never looks back she looks forward and just keeps going.

When you are training on the bike or in the lake the last thing you can afford is looking back. I have recently put on my tri bars to become more aero dynamic and can I tell you once you settle down into these bad boys, you are focussed. The time for looking around is over and all your attention has turned to eyes on the prize mode. Last week end I moved the fastest I ever have on a bike by just looking forward and never worrying about what is going on behind me. The same is the case when we are in the serpentin. I call this time in the lake my switch off time, you need to get from one end to the other, and that is all your focus is on. It’s a bit like this phase of training as well.

The time has now arrived where we are about three and a half months off the real deal, the Ironman UK. The base has been set up over the past four months or so, and the blood sweat and tears are about to start. You see this is the time when you start to mentally as well as physically set your mind around doing a 3,8 KM swim getting off at T1 and doing 180KM bike getting off at T2 and running that marathon. Mentally you need to actually know you can accomplish all this, physically you have got to actually pull yourself through it, make your body go where it has never been before!

Man I love this part, why you might ask, because after I finished rugby I always wanted to see how far the human body could go. I have been given this vehicle for one ride and one only. I read this in a book form an ultra marathon runner once. He wants to finish this race called life with a car (body) broad siding, wheels screeching, flaps falling off knowing that he enjoyed every minute and made the most of every opportunity. I agree sir I agree, in fact I love it!

My life training manual says we must have faith like children, in other words we need to believe like kids do, unwavering never faulting. Have a look at a kid when he looks at his dad, that man is his super hero. Kids believe they can do anything , or practically anything, but as life goes on they realize that they can’t. Imagine if you could hold on to that. You would be able to accomplish so much more than you ever thought you could.
In life I believe look forward, believe you can and make it happen!

May God Bless you all this week 
much love Ad

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