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Bargain Gear!! :)
Fun with the Fosters

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Iron Will

Its getting close, very close. We are officially 61 days away from the big start and still a lot to do and many Km's to get through!

So here I am at the back end of a brilliant bank holiday week end in the UK. All I can say is, truly Iron will. This week end was always going to be a big one, but with the help of some friends I could pull through a lot of training. Most of it I would probably not have been able to do on my own. Ironman is a lonely business, you train alone most of the time. You have to persevere all the time. A long ride, or swim at 05:30am or even a run when everyone else is busy doing something fun is what it takes. Nothing less will do. At the end of the day that is what I signed up for, doing what not many are willing to do.

So it was with this thought that is suddenly struck me at 06:00 am on a Saturday morning some where in a lake. I started out doing Ironman initially because I wanted to see what the human body was capable of doing, how far could you stretch it. I have always given 100% regarding exercise and fitness in life and I'll be a dog's ear if I am going to start slacking on that now!
So instead of coasting I tried to push more. I knew, I had an appointment to succeed and not to fail!

So on to the Blog we go. I realised a lot this week, after spending some time reading my life training manual I saw that death and life lies in the power of the tongue. I will, I'm strong, I can are phrases you need to adopt as you embark on this journey. As for me, I believe I wouldn't be able to do any of the above if it wasn't for my Christ. Through Him I am, and through Him I will succeed in all things.

On to Surrey a bit later in the day, 80 km down riding with two very fit individuals, Iron will started to show it self. Now I have cycled 130km the day before I swam 2.3 km that morning and this was at the back end of a very tough week. A week filled with a 25 km run, interval running and some more of that. We were ending off our ride with 30 km to go, moving up a 20 % gradient hill that I realised how true that statement was! Life and death is in the power of the tongue! I was just about to utter,"gents I can't" when I decided no I can. I dropped a gear and pushed with all I could, I saw the finish and made it along side them. That moment was a defining one, one never to be forgotten, one that needs to be pulled back when I'm struggling. You remember those moments they can make or break you in the thing called Ironman.

I call it Iron will! Where are you at the moment? Is everything that leaves you mouth negative, down talk. Or do you have the goons to actually step up to the plate and claim your victory. I realise Ironman is not my beginning or my end, it's an amazing learning school. One that I take a lot from regarding life each day. I will claim my victory in all of life's facets. I praise God for this and for that victor mentality.

I will claim my future as being a success and I praise God for granting me so much and more.

Take this week and claim it, speak life in to your situation and stop yourself being negative, but speak positive phrases into your daily life.

Life and death is in the power of the tongue! Believe it.

Much love God Bless Ad

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