Bargain Gear!! :)

Bargain Gear!! :)
Fun with the Fosters

Sunday 5 June 2011

Lessons Learn't

Like the great Murdoch would say: I love it when a plan comes together! In my case, it's not so much a plan but more when all the training comes together. In life I believe you must never forget where you come from or what you have been before. The same applies with training. With 56 days to go, it's great to have a little look back at how far you have come along. Those 5am winter wake ups, those snowy bike rides, those face freezing feet numbing swims, those 20km runs that shatter your hammys- make it all worth it when you know you are starting to reap the rewards. Today saw lou and myself doing the Weymouth middle distance, half ironman, tri. I can honestly say, I felt good from the moment that gun went off.

Even though I feel like a 23 year old, my birth certificate states that I am in actual fact now 30. So it was with great surprise that when I looked around this morning I was starting off in the 30-35 age group wave (these guys look old!) the swim was in the ocean which suited me with my untaught stroke technique. Coming around the last buoy I realized I was leading the pack. Running out to transition 1, I was struck by the thought that  those saturday morning swims  have finally paid off.

Onto the bike now, thinking more of the enjoyment rather than the pain of cycling 90km. My beautiful wife started half an hour before I did so knowing that there was a hare ahead of me I felt like a greyhound bounding toward the love of my life. This took a bit more work than I thought showing that her training is also paying off. 53km down the road we finally make contact. With a laugh and a smile I head out further and jump off the bike and onto the run.

The run consisted of 4 loops of 5km or 3 miles more or less. The first 4km off the bike is normally agony. But after the initial pain you settle into your stride and make the km's tick away. I had a cheeky house cat hook onto the back of me to protect himself from the wind. After about 5km's of not sharing the duties, I decided to lose the sucker and put foot in the 'hoek' (corner). I probably did the fastest half marathon off the bike yet. I felt like a champ!

While you are running and everything is aching and you are over cooking it, you decide to push even a little bit more you suddenly reach breakthrough- not only have you stopped aching but you have received a runners high as well that allows you to fly! The same principle applies in life- like my pastors always say at church, your biggest breakthrough comes right after a challenging and testing time. I want to encourage you this week to stare into that beast of a challenge whatever it may be and know that your breakthrough is near!

Have a great week
God Bless

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