Bargain Gear!! :)

Bargain Gear!! :)
Fun with the Fosters

Sunday 7 August 2011

Journey Complete!!

So so many ways to head this blog up. I could start with a heading like, "the most amazing race" or I could start with "I have done it" or even " one of the best days of my life". All these headings would be true and all of them would have a story behind them. A story with which I could share something amazing! My heading however is -

All honour to God and thanks to our support, without which this would not have been possible!!
(maybe a bit long)

I know a terribly long heading, but the only one that makes sense. So before I go moochy on you I want share my account of Ironman UK 2011.

A journey it is and one I would start again tomorrow. In fact we have. The journey takes at least seven months to complete along the way you keep falling, you keep getting up, you pull yourself through some very tough times and along the way learn to deal with pain, frustration, sleep deprivation and of course a love for having the ability to do it all! God uses you and strengthens you. You decide to try your own strength and come very short every time. Your relationship with your wife gets bent, stretched and pulled to bits, but by God's grace you become stronger harder and ready for more. Every facet of your life is tested during this journey and what seemed to be in human and crazy becomes normal, what once sounded like a bad idea waking up at 05:00 am on a Saturday then swimming 4 km, jump on your bike cycle 150 km and then running 20 km of that becomes a way of life, in fact what you and your wife call fun! Was all of the above worth it? hell yes and I'd do it again but never at God's expense.

So you might ask, AD enough of the corny stuff tell us about the day?

We woke up at 03:00 am on the morning, after only getting to bed at 11:00 pm, if you don't have a great nights rest on the Friday you are in trouble. Nerves and thoughts keep you from a deep sleep, plus all the food you are about to take in at three never really seems appealing. Bagels, cereal, more bagels sweets stuff and quick carbs is your fuel! You have 2000 calories fuel readily available you need to pull the other 7000 through your gut on the day.

My best friend!
Well before we go any further, I need to tell you about my best friend - her name is Louisa Jane previously known as Moore now Foster! Man alive I love this person and I would not have wanted to do this thing with anyone else. She is the star of this show later I will show you why. We trained together, hurt together, played together had fun together and had the privilege to experience so much together over the past 7 months. Be it up in the Alps, or at the far end of a lake some where. We have been stretched emotionally physically and relationship wise, but thank you God we got through it all! She was my motivation a lot of the time. Her perseverance makes me look like a little kid on a diet not being able to control himself when walking past a sweet shop. She shows tough times and is honest with herself in every situation, she is always quietly confident and I don't know another like her! I love her and count myself so Blessed to have been favoured by Christ to have a wife that understands me. She loves me and has patience with me a 30 year old child when it come to training, nothing is too much for her. When she looks at me with those eyes, I believe I can accomplish anything, you see I can say this, I am her hero (second to Pops of course) in her eyes I can do all things. Her look spurs me to be even more everyday.

So when 05:50 am Sunday morning came a crawling and we were standing in a massive lake with a 1500 other crazy cats, there was no one else's hand I would rather have been holding than hers!
The hooter went and it was a combination of legs arms and just plain no holes barred swimming that commenced! The dam wall has broken each man for himself. I went for open water, it probably added 200-300 meters to my swim but I would rather swim far away on my own than in amongst it. Think tank on, focus on your breathing and stroke and you'll be fine I kept telling myself. Round one done and I had done it in 29 min, go time I had a lot left in the tank. Pull kick breath brew get in and get out! My watch read 1:03 - my fastest 3,8 km swim ever and I was out and off!

T 1 went fast and out on the bike I went. When you hit the road your heart rate is at 178 bpm so you need to get that puppy under control because 180 km is not around the corner! I felt good the bike felt amazing and I was doing what I loved most, cycling! I was shouting at on lookers standing with their cups of coffee watching in their PJ's " Howzit come join us" obviously tough crowd at 07:00 am on a Sunday morning. I felt great and so happy God was with me carrying me through this thing. Greater is He that lives in me that he that lives in this world. I am at peace! 14 km in I hit a corner and made the turn only to be welcomed by nearly all my immediate family!

It brings tears to my eyes when I realise how Blessed I am to have such a amazing family. They have always supported me in all my doings. Standing on the side lines, never questioning my abilities, always giving a word of advice, humbling me some times (thanks Nix) I love my older sister like you can't believe. Such strength you'll be hard pressed to find in any woman, to see her with her 6 week old baby made me realise this ironman isn't it, there is more to life although it's great! My mom, man alive I think this woman is amazing in every way. She has done a great job with me and my sister. She is humility, the most humble person I know sometimes to her own detriment, but man alive do I learn from her! Praise God for you Lilias Hofmeyer Foster, I love you! Then my dad, my hero! This guy has walked a journey most can't imagine, but he is still walking! He keeps getting up and has set such a high bar for me to strive toward, he has set examples to follow and I can't ever imagine what I would have been without him. He is my dad and I adore him, he has done so so much, I won't ever be able to show or tell Him how much I appreciate Him. Then my man Waki!! My sisters' other son, a legend in the making a uncompromising 7 year old with the biggest heart. What a future I see in this little guy's life. My biggest fan I think! I missed my brother in law, but he was doing what a man does, provide. In that there is a lot I have learnt from him.

So I turned this corner and there they were, my family. I probably don't have to tell you I picked up the pace by about 20 km/h to show them I'm fresh and feeling superb! On we went, up hills down valleys, big climbs great descents and of course beautiful scenery. Another thing I learnt is take time to look around and enjoy what is going on around you, we race every where and forget to smell the roses!

With 10 km to go I started relaxing and started focussing on the marathon to come, one more discipline and I'm done a little jog around Bolton and I am a Ironman once again!! So into T2 I went. Four minutes later I'm running out with compression socks up to my bum to keep these muscles in tact. Consistency I told myself, just keep a good pace and finish. You run about 10 km to the loop then you do 30 plus km in the loop and finish. After what seemed like a hour I finally hit the loop and could start my last 30 km I thought, worst over now just go. About 5 km down the track I saw my dad first, then our friends!

These guys came all the way from London, no small sacrifice at all. All in there were 16 supporters. Each one special and each one playing such a amazing role in Lou and my life! It humbles you when you realise you aren't alone! People are praying for you all across the world, friends drive 400 km to come watch you run, swim and cycle. These guys were amazing, crazy but amazing! They cheered for about 6 hours, never asking about themselves but putting us first all the time. What can we do, how can we help, are you ok were the questions asked all the time! So selfless so kind. It made me realise how Blessed we are. Where most ask for five great friends, I believe we have been given even more. People I have only met once were txting us, calls were made the night before and even my clients were in on it! You guys made this thing so special and for you I can only say thank you so very much. I hope Lou and I can be there for you some day as you are for us, all of you!!

So, on the one loop, legs aching my mind playing havoc on me I made another corner only to be met by the most beautiful smiling Iron wife! Like a freaking stallion been put out to pasture with a prize mare I was renewed with energy, she shouted come on my love, it was enough to get me there! On the last loop we met again and her smile and encouragement was all I needed for that last 5 k push! I made it I came running in to the home stretch all on my own. Thank the Lord, selfish I know but I was able to enjoy the moment on my own no other athlete in sight. I crossed the line the TIMEX clock reading 10:53 the guy shouting over the Microphone those inevitable words - Adrian Foster you are a Ironman!! It was done and I had succeeded, but praise God not on my own, but only by His grace and love by the support of my family and friends and of course thanks to my amazing wife that was with me all the way!

Back to the star of the show! My wife came in at 11:47 - now most Ironmen would give a organ to ever break 12:00 hours if you know any amateur Ironmen ask them their times. 12-13 plus is normally a solid time. Breaking 12 hours on your first go is very good if you are a guy. Now breaking 12 hours for a first time and being a girl is amazing and a true testament of the woman I married!

We grew stronger throughout this experience we changed together and we came to much the same conclusion. If you are doing this to Glorify yourself, you are doing it for the wrong reason! We have been Blessed in every way, protected and kept from harm. We have achieved and we have failed in some ways but all in all we haven't taken our eyes of our saviour and thanked Him for this amazing ability to be able to take life at it's full extent and run with it!

There was a team spirit there. The guy had one arm, his mate had no legs and his mate had also lost his legs, but they were there Sunday morning doing the Ironman! What are you doing with what you have been given, we all aren't Ironmen, but God has given you a talent for art, music, dance, or just a amazing personality to help the poor. What are you doing with what you have been given! I pray to God that I am using all I have been given to reach people for Him and to love the journey I have been put on whilst doing it!

Until next year! We love you and thank you for all your support! Take care and God Bless you!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Adrian,
    Congrats to you and your wife!
    I'm a journalist at the Zululand Observer and I understand that either you or your wife (or both) are originally from here? We would love to feature your achievment in the newspaper. Please contact me on

    Warm regards,
    Lesley Naude
