Bargain Gear!! :)

Bargain Gear!! :)
Fun with the Fosters

Monday 25 April 2011

Weekend Express!

Long week end all over the world and for a good reason as well. Most of you following our journey to Ironman will know Lou and I love God first. Putting yourself through all this training mentally as well as physically makes us realise that we draw all our strength from Him. This week end thus carried great significance to us.

But before I start preaching( one day Ad one day) let me start Blogging! I started off my Friday morning at 06:00 am, flying out of South fields down to Kingston at 60-65km/h. How did I do this, well with my new wheels of speed, man alive these puppies don't know how to sit still! My maiden voyage and I was loving it. I set out to Bath in the hope that I would finally go all the way. I have done this ride once before and also came un done at 150km. So today was going to be it the day I made the dream a reality. But due to another much more important interest I ended 110 km down the road. Crisp air, not a person in sight, riding down the Thames out toward Basingstoke, made me realise once again just how Blessed I was being able to do this. May I never take my health and body for granted, but may I always strive to be more. Being healthy and alive is such a privilege, one never to be taken likely.

My wife was my second on the day, the person that follows you with the car and makes sure you are ok. After about 80km I pulled of the road for a egg Mc muffin ( yes I said it ) and some coffee with my best friend. The sun was blazing on us and it was just a great day to be alive. I sat there wishing I could be in the car with her. Not because I couldn't get to Bath by bike, but because I wanted to spend time with her rather than feed my own need.

I was on the right track I believe. This Ironman training becomes so self indulgent and so all encompassing that you lose perspective so much of the time.
So after a few more Km down the road I decided spending time with my wife means more, I packed the bike in and off we went onwards to my family.

Now every time we come down here I'm obsessed with seeing how much training I can get from a week end away. But all in all, one day I won't remember that bike ride in the country side, but I will remember that afternoon I helped my sister in the garden and spent time playing with my nephew. Or the chats I had with my parents in the sun rather than the 25km run. Another lesson learned I think is to always know what is important and never lose sight of it.

Sessions will come and sessions will go. I have realised. I will never be a pro Ironman, but I do know I love doing it and hopefully I'll do many more, but one thing I need to remind myself of. Is that there are more important things in this life and I can't ever lose perspective of that either.

I'm only a personal trainer that sometimes has too much time on his hands and has decided to train for a Ironman. Maybe you reading this are also so engrossed in something that you deem so important. I just want to tell you as I sit here on my couch tonight, take time to be the least and instead of sacrificing people that love you and are important to you, sacrifice that thing that is keeping you from memories that will last you for ever. That's more or less what this week end was about spiritually. A man sacrificing Himself for us all.

I hope you have a amazing week.

Keep going 

much love AD

Why do we limit ourselves?

People ask me why I have chosen to do the Ironman this year. They may have preconceived ideas on why I am doing it but all I can say is that it’s not for anyone else but for me. We as humans set goals in life to achieve and to better ourselves be it in business, financial or sports- not for recognition or approval but for self actualisation, realising that we can do anything. We can do anything we want to do and put our minds to. We can be limitless if we want (without the pill that is;)  We have been given this one body and it’s up to you how you use it. It’s like my husband says, when he dies one day he can say that he has enjoyed this body he has been given.

Something I am realising more and more every day. I have just come off the back of a 3 week holiday. I cannot tell you where that holiday went. It feels like it has only been a week. AD and I were sitting in Spur now and we said to each other we can’t believe that it is nearly May. We are coming up to the half way point in the year- already!! It is absolutely bizarre. I have learnt throughout this holiday that every day is so important. We only have one life and I choose to live it. I am not bothered by what people think or say about me and my training anymore. I love what I am doing and I love the challenges I put ahead of me and I love conquering them. I am finding out where my weaknesses lie, within myself and trying to overcome them is a massive task. It is a daily struggle. Trying to change old mindsets to have the victory is key- be it so small such as getting into cold river to swim laps. Now that is what I call perseverance. I think I should rename myself. Louisa Perseverance Foster- Because my friends, as my life manual says: we should rejoice when we have tribulations as this brings perseverance, perseverance produces character, and character produces hope.

This last weekend has been fantastic. We have had a great weekend away in the Country again for Easter. On Friday morning we left at sparrows fart, car packed to the max and we headed out to the Country. I seconded AD as he cycled just over 100km’s so he could get some training doneJ  It was a pleasure to be there for my machine!! He is doing so well and am so proud of him! He is such an inspiration to me in all ways. I learn from him daily. We went for a super cycle on Saturday, really saw some amazing views and cycled some good hills. Found some good new routes which was great! What was a find and highlight of the weekend was when my sister in law found a wild swimming river right near my in-laws house. This place is amazing. I mean what a find! Definitely going to be our local summer spot. Got some good river swim training in- what a pleasure. It is weird swimming in a river and not a lake. First time for everythingJ All in all it was a great weekend. It was such a blessing having this time with my husband. I can’t get enough of him.

So, getting back to the last 3 weeks of holiday. For me it has been good. What has been a real achievement for me is that this time last year I was flat on my back after having knee surgery. Now (just about injury free) I am cycling and running and preparing for one of the biggest events of my life! I have picked up a small knee injury while running the last 2 weeks. I am not sure what it is but am seeing the physio tomorrow. I haven’t run for a week and am starting to feel the itchy feet. We are 2 weeks away from the half Ironman in Kent. I am not going for time, I want to enjoy this one and to get a feel for what it feels like to do a triathlon- ha ha ha! No seriously :) Think I am going to have a big shock:) But bring it on! (Please pray the knee holds out)

The first half of this blog was when I was lying in bed last night and it was just before I nodded off. I was thinking about limiting oneself, myself and I thought to myself enough is enough. I am tired of always limiting myself in my head and making excuses about not training here and not training there. Missing sessions is not an option anymore. It is now 3 months to go and this is where the hard part starts. So family and friends I say farewell and I pray you will be there for me at that finish line waiting there to share in my joy and pain and this new found feeling of being an overcomer. That is what I crave and that is what I will get. I chose to live for the here and now, not wait for December holidays in South Africa. It is hard at times, but we can all dig deep to over come whatever it is that is holding us back. We just need to face it head on and tackle that mother!!

Its back to school for me- but yay it is a short week! Whoop whoop! This week is going to be good. Back to routine and back to preparation. As the saying goes: Preparation is key!

Take care and God Bless
Lou xx

Sunday 17 April 2011

Such an overused statement: Pain is temporary, victory is forever.

I tell you what, floating around in the serpentine at 06:30am Friday morning I thought to myself what are you doing you monkey!
My face was frozen I could hardly talk, and floating around next to me was my best friend my wife. I thought man alive, this woman is a keeper. Most woman are tucked up in their beds and probably won't ever enter duck pooh infested waters.

On we went, the sun rose over London and we had started the day off with a few Kilo's under the belt and was now sitting at kitchen pantry breaking down some well deserved oats. This is where the story starts. Pain is temporary but victory is forever.

Our car packed up we set of to Wiltshire for the week end to spend some quality time with the parentals. Very chuffed to get out of London for a few days Lou and I left kitchen Pantry and headed west. Faces now partly un frozen we took to our serious pre race meal regime. Now Lou and I take training very seriously, but can I let you in on a secret we take eating up even more so. I shudder when I think what we would have looked like if we weren't burning 2000 calories up a day on training alone. Of we went down the M4 rest stop in sight. We helped ourselves to some wraps muffins and some more of that!!

Anyways long story short, Saturday dawned and we were up as Larry at 05:30. Some crunchy nut down the hatch and we were ready to pull 140 km of new forest. 08:00 Arrived and off we went, I said "my love have a great race I'm going big today". We set of in a small group and one guy pulled off at knots, I followed this ally cat not knowing what the next 4 hours had in stall for me. We set of on a massive pace just the two of us. If you read the blog a few weeks ago you will have read it only takes a few seconds for cyclists to seize each other up. And so we did, after about 10 km of silence and a change of the lead. We finally broke the ice. Henry has just returned from SA and lives in Guildford, the oke is a legend and a very strong rider. We agreed on a pace and set new forest alight!

The route was quite flat but all in amazing views. You realize how amazing life is when you are cruising through nature on your own and breathing in Gods' creation. I'm alive and I'm loving it.

Well 100 km came up and we knocked it at 2:56 min my first sub 3 hour 100 km. Well chuffed gel down the hatch I was pumped. I said good bye to Henry and pushed on. I imagined I was Fabian Chancellera riding Pari Roubaix, down on the hoods on my own just pushing. Pain my old friend came knocking with more or less 30 km to go. It became a battle to never drop under 30 km a hour and I never did. Legs bursting I saw the end in sight, I came in and finished strong. What a day to be alive and what a day to see the world in spring time. My head space was cleared and my body tired but it all was worth it. Going over the results today I look like I'm 2nd or 1st either way it was amazing. This is exactly why I love this sport, you see what you are made off and experience a new something about yourself, you never knew existed.

I praise God daily for being able to enjoy these small things in life and love the time I have with my wife doing them. By the way she came in a half hour after me with a amazing time herself.

Whatever you face this week, take time out to enjoy the little things placed before you!

Much love God Bless 

Spring in my step, cycling in the sun :)

We have just got back from our weekend away. What a fantastic weekend it was! We haven't been out to the Country for awhile so it was great to get out of London for a bit! It is really good for our souls- breathe some fresh air and eat some homemade food and cycle car free roads in forests- oh how amazing:)

This week has been a good week of training. I felt strong and put in some good sessions. On Wednesday AD and I went to do a Surrey ride where the hills are absolutely devastating. It was one of the toughest rides to date. One I can openly say that I didn't enjoy, but had to be done. Towards the end AD missed the turn to go towards leith hill (short for lethal hill). This hill is incredibly steep and very long...I thought in my mind - yes please we missed the hill but then if I knew what was coming I would rather have gone up it... There is a hill that I think is worse than leith hill that we always go down. It is ridiculous and cars go up there in 1st. It was 5pm peak traffic and we had been lost for 30 mins prior and now we were climbing this horrid hill to get back to our car. It was the only way and it was unbelievably scary. Cars whizzing passed and you trying to cycle in a straight line (but on a hill that steep it takes GROOT concentration!) we were literally riding for our lives! No ways you can get off and walk, that was not an option you will never get back on! And this hill was a monster! After near tears we were home dry, Ai I was happy. Never again... Especially during peak traffic!
But then again, once again I had the victory. :)

Weekend away:
On Friday AD and I had a super early start, leaving at 5am all packed to the max we made our way down to AD's work. He had a 5:30am client so I just 'snoozed' in the car! Afterwards, we then made our way down to Hyde Park Serpentine- oh how beautiful it was that time of the morning. I am petrified of cold water(I get that from my mom) and so every time before we about to get in a have a little 'freak attack'. Ai man, cold water is not good... It was a great swim, at one point a swan flew right over me and landed right in front of me. It was amazing. To be out there in the open cold water in Gods creation, in the middle of London Nogals, when I'm old and grey sitting on our ‘stoep’ we can reminisce of the crazy but amazing times we had and the memories we made. After the swim we then went to a place called 'Kitchen and Pantry' in Nottinghill for some breakfast. It was great sitting there, cold to the bone, but knowing we leaving for the country in an hour (after AD's last client). The rest of Friday we spent in Bath with AD's dad. He just had a knee replacement so we took him out for lunch and to get out a bit. We also went to his (and mine) favourite cake shop 'Patisserie Valerie' where they sell the most UNREAL cakes and pastries in the world! So we had to indulge on that too. That's why I love this sport- pre-race you can eat like a machine. Though this weekend I think we over indulged a little too much;)

Race day:
Saturday was an early start and race day in the new forest. It turned out to be a beaut of a day and what a fantastic route. Why it was so super was the fact that there were few cars, cyclists of all ages and abilities and of course the amazing scenery. AD and I started off in the first group- as soon as we pulled away, one guy sprinted ahead like it was no body's business and left the pack. My hubby was not having that so he caught him and they cycled the race together, leaving him in his dust the last 40km. I am so proud of him- he is a machine! He came 1st! So proud of him..
So, there I was left with 3 other guys. I stuck with them until the hills came. It was a speedy start so trying to keep up with them took my heart rate quickly to 185 plus. Eish wena, I thought I must journey this alone. So I did, but kept a good speed. Then around 30km in a pack comes by, I thought YES PLEASE I will jump on that train thank you. Aaaahhhh relief! So stuck with them for a couple of km's.

The whole ride was just super and I could go through every detail but I don't want to bore you. So, to make a short story shorter: it was a tough start, had to take a gel 20km in of a 140km race (whaa haaa), kept up with some big boys which was great, then was a loner for quite a bit of the way- but averaging between 27/30km per hour which I was happy with. I then found a group that I stuck with and worked with for the rest of the race. It was great, legs were dead at 75km's, tjommie was nie Leka nie, goenfamf was taking punches, climbed a hill that was 25% gradient my front wheel was lifting up off the road- freaking out but it was all gooooood!! Was happy to be finished and to see my beautiful husband waiting for me. Thank the Lord we both were safe and sound and injury free! I love that feeling when you finish something like that: you feel so alive and so happy that you were the victor!

The rest of the weekend brought lots of eating, sleeping, braaing, spending time with family and just chilling out. It was a great weekend all round.

- country and family
- food
- doing a good time in the race
- being married to the best man in the world- it seriously just keeps on getting better!

- that hideous hill.
- that cold water.
Hope you all have an amazing week ahead. To my special friend Jo Blond- about to give birth either today or tomorrow, we love you and we are thinking of you- you are in our prayers! Thank you for all your support, you have been amazing and are our biggest fans!

Love you all lots, have a blessed week- go tackle those hills, see what you made of :)
Lou xxx

Sunday 10 April 2011

Gear it up!

The time is now!
Howzit going all our readers, I hope you guys are very well and that this week is going to be a amazing week for all of you. Thanks for starting out your week by checking out our blog!

Gearing it up, that's where I'm at the moment. Illness over and fitness in full swing. It's that time of the training when you are reaping the fruit. After many hours stuck in doors spinning, swimming in a bit of a sest pool at my local community center and running in snow, rain and a lot of wind, the sun is finally here. And along with my bright shiny friend came my fitness.

Training for this puppy isn't just a decision it's a commitment, you have to put long hours in and make changes that will affect not only your mind set but also your ability to physically perform. Days go by that you think, "when am I actually going to start making good times and and feel fitter". You get disheartened, you lose motivation and you forget about your vision!

I'm just going to let it out there, my vision for this journey this year is doing this puppy under 10 hours and qualifying for Kona. Now if I do this is another story. At least I have a vision and that is so important when you are training for this thing.
Some days it all feels futile. It feels like it's time to sell the bikes and just throw the towel in and start trying for little Ironmen.

But through all the self doubt and failure to launch your vision is still in place. It allows you to tap deep down and draw strength knowing that this trial has not yet seen the last of me. Your vision gives you the ability to perform at a mental as well as a physical level compared to someone who has none.
There is a saying my granded always had, those who hesitate are lost as if the vision is clear the doing is effortless!

Well guys I don't know where you find yourself this week? Maybe at the bottom of a massive climb, or the start of a 30 km run or even at the edge of a lake getting ready to swim the unthinkable? Remember to hold on to that vision. You set yourself up for failure or success with each step you take. Remember the steps forward are the right ones. No negativity, no bad talk just confidence and belief will bring you to the next chapter or new horizon. They are there to explore and take hold of. Of course what you find in there is completely up to you. Hesitate and you are lost. Don't hesitate, climb that mountain, attack your work place with fervour make this week your week! And make this day your day you decide.

It's like our training. While some of you read this Lou and I will be in the serpentine swimming 3-4 km's because that is the choice we made the decision we made the commitment we made when we signed up for this thing!

When I stand in Church most days I praise God for giving us this life and for giving us the ability to do this. It is when I praise Him I feel the most strength and know my vision is clear now the doing though it takes a lot of effort becomes effortless.

Thursday came along and our faith was made even stronger. You just know God has created us to be so much more.
My wife and I went on a ride and it was bliss the sun belting at 23 degrees just her and I in Gods' creation riding in beautiful green meadows and loving every second of sun light.

I knew for now that those little Ironmen had to wait because there is a plan for 2011 Ironman Uk and there is a vision behind it!

What is your vision in this lifetime you have been given, I believe we can't do it on our own, but if you never go for it you'll never succeed.

Much love God Bless


April Lovin'

To all the Londoners and UK Countrymen, I am sure you will all agree with me that the weather this month has been absolutely SENSATIONAL! It has been so sunny and hot and can’t believe the weather this last week. I really did feel that I was back in my homeland soaking up the rays. I can’t even tell you how much it makes a difference to this place when the sun is out. Days are longer, people are happier and the all round general vibe is just awesome!

This week has been an amazing week for a number of reasons; it is just incredible how much one can do when given the time! I could seriously adopt this ‘lady of leisure lifestyle’ I think it suits me! :)

On Tuesday at 11:15am I was officially on holiday for 3 weeks! Yes, 3 weeks! I am sure all the teachers out there reading this can fully agree with me that this last term has been devastatingly long. We all were mentally and physically knackered by the end of it all. I am so happy it is now over and the summer term is approaching. I LOVE the summer term- it is just so good and so short ;)

I got spoilt. I got my new FFWD wheels for my machine. OH MY WORD! They are just incredible and make such a difference… FFWD Tubs- if you ever want a pair of wheels for cycling they are the ones. Man alive worth every penny! Thank you angel :)

Thursdays sizzler- Woke up super early to go with hubs down to work, did a 45 minute run on the canal and then braved the Serpentine in Hyde Park. Ai wena COLD! I acted like such a sissy- It took me 15 minutes to pluck up the courage to get in the water. I then saw people swimming with no wetsuits on and I thought to myself come on Lou it cant be that bad… It was that bad! But it felt good. I know now that I have so much to work on in swimming open water. We both really need to put in a few Serpie swims a week to get that confidence up. It was the first time I swam in a wetsuit and it was TOUGH! Feels like my arms are going to die after awhile but hey it all takes practice:) It was such a pleasure to have a coffee with my husband before he went to work. We laughed because he says that when I am on holiday a part of him feels like he is on holiday too… I am not complaining! :)

The weather has been such a dream for training in. Training in the heat just agrees with me. We then picked up my wheels and headed out for an awesome 100km bike ride into the Surrey hills. It was just something special. So many people were out and about, picnicking and enjoying themselves.  What a contrast it was- I can remember going out that way in the dead of winter layered up to the max, people were scarce but now the atmosphere has changed. We now go out in lovely lycra and vest tops- no gloves! What a pleasure! It just felt incredible to have the sun beating down on my body. Saffa’s back home; just know how privileged you are J My wheels felt great and I felt strong. This surprised me as I have been sick recently so feeling good on the bike only did my confidence good. Thursday was just an awesome highlight. That evening we had a wonderful dinner at my sister’s house with cousins. It was a feast and I realized the next day that it fuelled me wonders for my sesh (particularly on the run) Thanks sis :) Up and onwards we go!

Friday was also a beaut and a particular highlight- my hubby and I did a quick 30km bike around Richmond Park and that 11km run. The run was just awesome- my legs felt great and I could push hard (Must have been the carbo load the night before). Once again an amazing day all round. Sun was shining and the people were schweet yeh…

I actually could go on and on about all the highlights this week. But I won’t bore you with the details. One last detail I want to share is that AD and I went to my colleague’s wedding last night and it was just amazing. She looked absolutely stunning and it was a blessing being able to share it with them. So I wish them a lifelong filled with happiness and love. Whoop whoop! I love weddings!

I am looking forward to this week coming up. I know it is going to be super busy but I am ready for that challenge. Ironman South Africa was today and it has just inspired me. It seemed like an exceptionally fast course with the first male coming in at 8:05 hours! Insane! That is just unbelievable…

I am waffling here guys, this has been more like a diary entry than a report so I apologise for this. It has been a busy weekend and my bed is calling. Next week is going to be a week to remember! I look forward to writing about it.

Have an awesome and blessed week everyone. Thank you for reading our blog and for supporting us- it means so much.
Lots of love

Sunday 3 April 2011

You are as weak or as strong as you decide to be

Decisions seem to make us who we are and what we do in life. A obvious statement I know. I have had some time to ponder on this statement this week!

My heading might seem a bit hard, weak and strong. I'll let you into how I got to write about something some people perceive as luck or ability, being weak some say is because of your environment or genes or even mental ability. Some say being strong is something you picked up along life's journey and they couldn't possibly be as strong mentally or physically as another. I tend to disagree completely!

I was in SA last week as some might know. Can I say what a Blessing to see my home land and it's people. I'm a proud South - African and I dream of the day my wife and I will set foot back on home soil, but until then...

As I was boarding and stood in the que for tickets to be torn I thought I would have a last dash to the loo. I entered the toilet area  and was greeted by a beaming face, a beautiful friendly man. "Welcome welcome sir to my office", he had a mop in his hand and the place was sparkling! Wow I thought, what a dog I am, I'm on my way to board a plain home back to a beautiful wife, a caring family, a good job and health and I have a fat lip! This guy is cleaning toilets on a Sunday at 19:00 in the eve with the attitude of a prince! Man I suddenly had food for thought.

Ten years ago I was in the UK persuing a rugby career. Imagine my surprise when I ended up playing for a 4th division side and cleaning toilets!

My confidence shattered just coming of a injury with Bulls u:21and missing out on the remainder of the season I thought I was rugby. My attitude stank 'ass' sorry for the pun. I hated every second and what could have been an amazing season shared with one of my best friends turned to a season of "why not me", and "I'm the victim", "everybody please feel sorry for me", "I'm better than you". If my attitude had just been "let's help this team to the next division" or maybe "I'm here to learn something", or even "just try and humble yourself you aren't all that" and "life doesn't owe you a thing". I might actually have meant something to someone that year. But caught in my bad attitude I festered and became weak and gave up being strong! Because of decisions I made and put in place I would never feel what it could have been like to be a winner.

That toilet guy might never be moved up the ranks to supervisor but by having a amazing attitude he still controls his decision making and still decides that he could mean something to someone in a toilet. He did for me!

As you know I read my best selling training manual, not nearly as much as I should, but I have faith and because of it I can always know to stay strong because my God has already over come.

So what has all this got to do with Ironman, well if I don't decide to work hard and train my best I am weak, because physically I'm there and mentally I'm sound. But if I decide not to work, or run one km less or cycle 5km shorter or swim 2 lengths less I am by my own account weak and my attitude needs work! No one will know, but I will and eventually I'll feel it in competition. Right attitude with some Devine intervention on my decision making part equals strength. Help and strength from above isn't always fair!

As I write this I'm preparing for this week. I can tell you this, honestly I need to dig deep and go adjust my attitude because I need to be strong this week!

Remember it's up to you, make the right decision, because the wrong ones will sink you and they will eventually weaken you!

Much love God BlesS

Attached is my weeks program for some that might be interested to see what we get up to prepping for the mother.

Training for the ironman.


Recover from SA


05:30 - 10 km commute cycle
08:00 - 8-10 km run with a client
13:00 - 80 min spin and 40 min T run of the spin bike
21:30 - commute home 10 km
Plus - 80 pull ups through out the day

Distance: 20 km bike + 16 - 18 km run + spin
Time: 40 min + 80min + 60 min + 40 min = 240 min = 4 hours


I went and swam about 3,5 km and ran 10km as well as the commute of 20 km and 80 pull ups

20 km bike , 3,5km swim , 10km run = distance 33,5km
Time 2,40 min


Easy day - 1 hour spin, 20 km commute and 30 min stretch
plus 80 pull ups
Distance - 50km
Time 2,10mim


Cycled 100km took me 4 hours - traffic is a terrible thing and of course a coffee stop!

Distance - 100km
Time - 4 hours


The wife and I went for her bike ride so so proud of her another 95 km for me she did 110 km after 2weeks being sick amazing
After that a 15 min T run it also took 4 hours

Distance - 95 km
Time - 4 hours


A wasted day and a attempt at a swim we cycled 15 km to the pool got there had a ice cream and cycled back so 30 km ride maybe a good thing!

30 km took a hour!

Totals this week:

Distance - 385km

Time- 17,50

This week I'm going for 20 - 25 hours

Two worlds apart

As most of you might have figured out by now that I am indeed a woman. I am sure my emotional blogs might have given it away. Hence the heading of my blog this week: Two worlds apart.

I have come to the realization that training for Ironman or for any race, be it a marathon, an Olympic triathlon or even a 5km race, it is a unique thing. Each one of us has a way of training, a way that works for you as an individual. I like to think my husband and I train the same, but alas! I have come to the realization that we do not. Yes, I like to think that we do but we don’t. Unfortunately. If we did then I would be a man, literally. He trains like a machine and is a machine. He kills any man on a bike and waits for anyone to bite or come with a fight. He relishes it! I am also competitive but I am competitive in different ways (like eating cinema popcorn- I will smash ANYONEJ )

The way AD trains is he likes to do whatever he can when he can. He juggles sessions around and he puts in what he can. Which is a good thing, but I am totally different (which I will get to). If AD has one hour off he will go run or do weights. He is good like that and so I guess I am still learning. Either I am seriously going to KAK on the 31st July or I am going to be OK. I hope it is the latter!

Now, for the way I think of things. I am the type of person where I need to prepare mentally for a training session or a race. I need to have my things organized and I need to think about what needs to be done. I like to prepare my mind so my body can be prepared. This is one thing I have learnt about myself. A massive thing really. I wish I knew this when I was playing hockey, as I have realized how important it is. I would have mentally prepared myself so much more for every big International or match. When I did take the time to mentally prepare and get my head around what needs to be done, I always played my best. But when the nerves got the better of me or I doubted myself on my ability or training, then I would go in hesitantly and accomplish nothing. Training or anything in life is all mental. Being strong in the mind you can accomplish anything you ever thought possible. It just starts with wanting to do it. If you think it’s a good idea and you begin training because you think everyone else is doing it or because I want to get fit- you will lose. You must WANT to get fit, seriously fit. You must set yourself targets- weekly targets you can accomplish, little goals or else you won’t stick to it. That is what I have learnt. You got to have a plan. If you go in blind you will fail. You must also WANT to do it, and then BELIEVE you can do it.

Getting back to my blog title: Two worlds apart. AD and I are different and we think differently. For example: If I know I have to do a massive cycle on a Saturday but haven’t planned a swim or a run afterwards, then AD springs it on me on the last minute I freak out. I get nervous and mentally I go fuzzy! The thing is folks, I like to mentally prepare myself for what is to come and AD likes to go in all guns blazing- oh how I love my husband!!!

While doing the Ironman, I like to keep it feminine. I have a pink and white bike with a bit of lilac running through it, I have pink handlebar tape and I like to wear something pink- be it my headband, my cycle jersey or socks. You see, when people find out I am doing an Ironman, they say “Is there an Iron-lady?” I say: “(giggle) Unfortunately no, but the more I train the more I want the full challenge and not some watered down version. I want to go through it all, just like any man.”

Ending off, when I was in Nice watching AD do his first Ironman- the bug bit me. I saw SO many woman on the course big and small. They were doing it so why couldn’t I? I have always wanted to do a triathlon, so my first will be a half Ironman. Now that’s a challenge! Bring it!

In two days I will be on holiday and I will have a taste of what real training is. I am looking forward to putting in some serious hours and to taking this time out from work routine and trying to squeeze it all in, in one day. I can now breathe and ENJOY what I am doing. The sun is out and I am ready…

Have an amazing week everyone! Just remember: You can do anything you want to, you just got to want to and believe you can.

Much love
God Bless
Lou xxx