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Bargain Gear!! :)
Fun with the Fosters

Sunday 24 July 2011

Good evening sports fans!

Well it's here and a week from now my wife and I will be finished with Ironman UK and probably already be plotting Wales a month later! We obviously need help in certain area's of our life! Jokes we love and we love a challenge. Go time baby.

Through out this whole process I have come to realize many many things about myself. I am not bullet proof, I am not as hard I as think I am, my body is actually only a piece of flesh and it can fatigue. What else have I realized? Well this is the big question probably some of the more important realizations I had to make in this journey called Ironman.

What a hype and what a high. You train your self insane for eight odd months do a few other events along the way and then compete in one of the greatest physical tests known to man. You push yourself over the line after swimming 3,8 km, cycling 180 km and running 42 km. You push your body through the most pain you possibly can bear. You mentally take yourself where you have never been before and force yourself to endure more than you thought physically possible! Why? Because I can and I worked for it. Then you wake up the next day and it's all over! You have achieved and you have accomplished more physically than most will ever dare. You have done something once you yourself thought impossible. You now belong to a elite bunch of humans that have taken on this same journey as you have and succeeded.

You have made it well done, here is your finishers T-shirt and here is your meddle! It's a amazing feeling, I have done it once and that is I have embarked on this journey again. Your learn much about yourself, others and just life in general.

One of the things that hit me most last year after waking up in a empty flat on my own was that this is all temporary. Man alive, I got on my bike and cycled down to the Ironman village that was a buzz with athletes and shops the previous day. It was abandoned half the stores were closed, so I headed to the boulevard only to see the banners had been taken down and the run course broken up. I headed to the swim beach only to find it was all over, gone!

Now the reason I am telling you guys this is that even after you achieve such a massive feat, it is still only temporary. I watched the Le tour de France the other day, one rider lost His uncle and was tired of riding. He said there is more to life than this and he has realized this, the bike is not everything.

This blog is at the fore front of the Ironman. I am shaved up, chest and legs. My wife cut my hair. I am nearly at fighting weight and I am as excited as a fat kid in a candy shop, but as I move closer I am well aware that this thing I love does not define me, nor will it ever be able to fill me. Next week this time it's all over. My beautiful friends, amazing parents and my beautiful Blessing of a wife will be sitting talking about a day I will never forget. Monday will come and Tuesday I will e back at work. The Ironman would have come and gone and I will be richer in experience and life, but I know that it will never be able to fill me. I have realized that only God can always be the one that can fill me and make this experience all the sweeter.

I know this because I will have Him along side me all the way. Last year I was singing Worship songs on the bike, the guys thought I had lost it already and I was only 3 hours in. God was there when I doubled up with cramps and could not run, He was there when I gave Him the glory over the finish line and He was there when I woke up the next day alone in a flat.

Many athletes go into a depression after this massive feat, what now is the question? I can tell you honestly, I probably would. God will be there at Boltons' start line He will be there at the finish line. You know what I love about this sport is the fact that I will have  10+ hours next Sunday to give Him all the Glory and Honor for carrying us through a Ironman!

We will be up dating you guys each day and let you know how we are moving on!

There are many many things in this life that drive us, for me only one has stayed constant, never letting me down and always showing me the way. Where do you find yourself today.

Have a Blessed week
much love Ad

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