Bargain Gear!! :)

Bargain Gear!! :)
Fun with the Fosters

Sunday 13 March 2011

Haunting Hills!

The topic for my blog today is: Haunting Hills!

When AD was training for France Ironman last year, he showed me some of the hills he used to train on. Now when you go to Bath you realise that this place is not short of hills.

Whichever way you try get into Bath, you will have to overcome some or other monstrous hill as it is built in a valley. Throughout the cycle on Saturday the song: Ain't no mountain high enough, ain't no valley low enough was in my head! We did four massive hills: The first hill we did I was petrified. It was one that has haunted me ever since I had seen it from the safety of my own car. It's the main hill leading up to bath and it seems never ending. At the start I was so nervous I couldn't find the right gears and I couldn't clip in! Ha what a clown! But there was no way out, I was in the middle of a valley and the only way out was up, so up up we went!

15 minutes later: what an achievement! The hill that haunted me became a trophy:)
Now for hill number two: oh my word! When your bikes front wheel is lifting up from every peddle stroke you know you are dealing with a beast, but you know what? I broke it's back and the beast has become the puppy! That was the toughest hill I have ever ridden to date...
Then a casual ride through the country side was not all that bad;-) anything seemed better than climbing a hill that only allows you to ride at 6km an hour- sheesh!

The worst over, hill 3 and 4 might had seemed daunting two hours prior but has suddenly become another part of the ride and the way home. I am not saying I am now an expert on hills, I am saying I reached new frontiers by not getting off my bike in tough situations and not giving up. Mentally, the hills box can now be ticked thanks to my encouraging husband!

This of course is what we have been saying all along that preparation is key, now I look forward to another week of overcoming some more mountains and preparing even more.

Until next time, God bless and know that you only limit yourself by not getting on 'that bike' and at least trying! What may seem tough and impossible, might not be so. You will never know until you try. 

So have an amazing week,
Take care
Lou xxx

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