Bargain Gear!! :)

Bargain Gear!! :)
Fun with the Fosters

Sunday 12 June 2011


The countdown has started and I cannot believe it is a month and a half until the Ironman UK. (I think I will be saying that a lot in the coming weeks:) as reality is setting in and it is becoming VERY real! It is NEXT MONTH! Now that is a sobering thought, but an exciting one too.

After this weekend I can honestly say that things are on track. AD and I put in some serious hours yesterday and were busy for the majority of it. After a very long swim and an even longer cycle I can honestly say that my body has now arrived into ironman specific phase! yipeeee!! It's a great feeling. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be able to do these disciplines for a long period of time. Adaptation is all about making the impossible seem possible and the unknown, known and being able to follow through with it. I think adaptation has a few sides to it:

1. Body- obviously being the biggest contender of them all. Here you take yourself to heights you never deemed possible. One of the biggest things I realised yesterday was that you can stretch your body as far as you choose to. At the end of the day you decide when enough is enough. Your body reacts to what you tell it is possible.

2. This brings me onto the mind. Your mind is the most powerful weapon when it comes to ironman training. Like take yesterday for example: AD and I had just come off the back of a 3.8km swim and we were now 30km into a 150km cycle up into Surrey, not feeling strong at all contemplating just coasting along the ride. AD then pulled in behind and gave me a big pep talk and encouraged me to push hard and not hold back for what's to come but just to live in the moment and push hard. After 90km later I realised my body has adapted to Ironman training. The last 60km was a breeze and on with the running shoes and off we went for a quick Transition run.

3. Now it comes to faith. Faith is having a faith in God knowing that He will get me through. It is a privilege to pray while I am on the bike, in the lake or on the run and it is a time when I can get closer to Him. You see, all this training and all this Ironman 'stuff'can get one addicted, but I have realised that nothing in this world will ever be able to fill me: no thing, no shop, nothing as much as God can and his love- there is nothing like it. I thank Him that I see through different eyes than what I used to. This journey has been one where I am learning so much about myself and what is important. I know one thing for sure is that it is not Ironman. But while I am doing this great thing I am loving every second and cant wait to cross that finish line knowing that months of blood, sweat and a lot of tears has gotten me to this point and I will be once and for always- an Ironman.

So, this is it. With just over a month to go and pushing through some tough sessions, I know the clouds are going to clear and the sun is going to shine through and everything will come together. It is an exciting few weeks ahead. My folks are arriving on Saturday morning which I am so excited about. I hope the sunshine comes out for them and this horrible rain goes away! :) It is going to be great hanging out with them and spending some quality time together in London town.

Have a great week everyone and know that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! 
Lots of Love
Lou xxx

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