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Bargain Gear!! :)
Fun with the Fosters

Sunday 3 April 2011

Two worlds apart

As most of you might have figured out by now that I am indeed a woman. I am sure my emotional blogs might have given it away. Hence the heading of my blog this week: Two worlds apart.

I have come to the realization that training for Ironman or for any race, be it a marathon, an Olympic triathlon or even a 5km race, it is a unique thing. Each one of us has a way of training, a way that works for you as an individual. I like to think my husband and I train the same, but alas! I have come to the realization that we do not. Yes, I like to think that we do but we don’t. Unfortunately. If we did then I would be a man, literally. He trains like a machine and is a machine. He kills any man on a bike and waits for anyone to bite or come with a fight. He relishes it! I am also competitive but I am competitive in different ways (like eating cinema popcorn- I will smash ANYONEJ )

The way AD trains is he likes to do whatever he can when he can. He juggles sessions around and he puts in what he can. Which is a good thing, but I am totally different (which I will get to). If AD has one hour off he will go run or do weights. He is good like that and so I guess I am still learning. Either I am seriously going to KAK on the 31st July or I am going to be OK. I hope it is the latter!

Now, for the way I think of things. I am the type of person where I need to prepare mentally for a training session or a race. I need to have my things organized and I need to think about what needs to be done. I like to prepare my mind so my body can be prepared. This is one thing I have learnt about myself. A massive thing really. I wish I knew this when I was playing hockey, as I have realized how important it is. I would have mentally prepared myself so much more for every big International or match. When I did take the time to mentally prepare and get my head around what needs to be done, I always played my best. But when the nerves got the better of me or I doubted myself on my ability or training, then I would go in hesitantly and accomplish nothing. Training or anything in life is all mental. Being strong in the mind you can accomplish anything you ever thought possible. It just starts with wanting to do it. If you think it’s a good idea and you begin training because you think everyone else is doing it or because I want to get fit- you will lose. You must WANT to get fit, seriously fit. You must set yourself targets- weekly targets you can accomplish, little goals or else you won’t stick to it. That is what I have learnt. You got to have a plan. If you go in blind you will fail. You must also WANT to do it, and then BELIEVE you can do it.

Getting back to my blog title: Two worlds apart. AD and I are different and we think differently. For example: If I know I have to do a massive cycle on a Saturday but haven’t planned a swim or a run afterwards, then AD springs it on me on the last minute I freak out. I get nervous and mentally I go fuzzy! The thing is folks, I like to mentally prepare myself for what is to come and AD likes to go in all guns blazing- oh how I love my husband!!!

While doing the Ironman, I like to keep it feminine. I have a pink and white bike with a bit of lilac running through it, I have pink handlebar tape and I like to wear something pink- be it my headband, my cycle jersey or socks. You see, when people find out I am doing an Ironman, they say “Is there an Iron-lady?” I say: “(giggle) Unfortunately no, but the more I train the more I want the full challenge and not some watered down version. I want to go through it all, just like any man.”

Ending off, when I was in Nice watching AD do his first Ironman- the bug bit me. I saw SO many woman on the course big and small. They were doing it so why couldn’t I? I have always wanted to do a triathlon, so my first will be a half Ironman. Now that’s a challenge! Bring it!

In two days I will be on holiday and I will have a taste of what real training is. I am looking forward to putting in some serious hours and to taking this time out from work routine and trying to squeeze it all in, in one day. I can now breathe and ENJOY what I am doing. The sun is out and I am ready…

Have an amazing week everyone! Just remember: You can do anything you want to, you just got to want to and believe you can.

Much love
God Bless
Lou xxx

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